The schedule of examinations is defined, for each academic year, on the basis of the Departmental Teaching Calendar. The scheduling of examination appointments may be subject to variations due to the teacher's impediments caused by official commitments that have arisen, or to objective impediments. Timely notice will be given of any variations.
The procedure for students to register for examinations is telematic and is managed through the University ESSE3 portal. Students must access the portal with their credentials and view the "Examinations" item and then "Appeals". Registration for exams is possible within the dates indicated in the "Registration period" column on the Appeals Notice Board.
The exams to be booked will only be visible in each student's ESSE3 area from the date indicated in the "Registration period" column on the "Appeals Notice Board". Only students whose enrolment in the course is in order are admitted.
All courses conclude with an individual assessment of students' performance and the awarding of a mark expressed in thirtieths. For some subjects there is no score but only the recognition of an "aptitude", as specified in the Study Plan. The examination may be conducted in written form, in oral form, or in both written and oral form, at the discretion of the course holder, in compliance with the provisions of the University Didactic Regulations and the Course Regulations.
Teachers have the option of conducting intermediate written and/or oral tests during their course, which may constitute an element of assessment of the learning phases of the discipline. The use of such intermediate tests must be provided for and published on the platform used by the University.
Examination Boards are appointed by the Director of the Department, on the proposal of the Degree Course Coordinator, and are composed of at least two members, one of whom is the lecturer entrusted with the teaching, who normally chairs them.
The procedures for conducting the examinations are clearly set out in each teaching schedule. For students with disabilities, appropriate equivalent tests and the presence of autonomy and/or communication assistants are permitted in relation to the degree and type of their disability. Students with disabilities take the examinations with the aids they require. The University guarantees specific technical and teaching aids, as well as the support of tutoring services, subject to prior agreement with the subject teacher. Working students, disabled students, students with serious health problems, foreign students, students who have been out of the course for many years, professional athletes, can obtain specific study programmes by consulting the teacher in charge of the subject and certifying their status.
The educational credits corresponding to each educational activity are acquired by the student by passing the examination for which a minimum score of 18/30 must be achieved.
In the case of written tests, the student is allowed to withdraw for the duration of the tests. In the case of oral tests, the student is allowed to withdraw until the Board has given its final assessment. In this case, the student is allowed to repeat the test in the following roll call.
A student who has not obtained a pass mark is allowed to repeat the test in the next roll call, provided that there is an interval of at least thirty days between the first and second roll call. It is not permitted to repeat an examination already passed.